Employment and Training
Safe Start Employment matches job seekers to employers and offers a programme of training, advice and support throughout the entire Job Search process, and beyond.
We work with individuals to understand their job history, barriers to success and aims and objectives. Individuals are supported every step of the way, from creating a great CV, to developing job searching skills, and perfecting interview technique.

We offer a free, targeted recruitment service to help employers find the skilled and enthusiastic local candidates they need. We take the hard work out of Recruiting, screening Candidates and only send the very best for the interview.
Please contact Jean Coffey, Project Manager on 020 8900 0001
Click here for advice on Employment, Benefits and Job Providers
Case Study
After nearly 30 years’ in Nursing, Mary found she could no longer cope with the emotional and physical stress associated with the job. A family tragedy further affected her well being and she was forced to leave the role and claim incapacity benefit.
After over a year of benefit claims, Mary felt ready to return to work. Still fragile, she felt intimidated by the crowded Job Centre and decided to visit Safe Start Employment. A return to Nursing was not an option but as this is where her experience lay, so Mary felt she had nothing to offer. Our first challenge then, was to encourage Mary and help her to see how the skills she had gained through Nursing were applicable to a wealth of other work areas.
After working on her CV and performing individual and group training around Job Searching and Interview technique, Mary’s confidence returned and she felt able, with the support of the Employment Advisor, to begin applying for roles and attending interviews. We encouraged Mary to apply for a role as a PCSO with Brent Police, feeling her skills and caring character were well suited to such a role.