Leaving Care
We provide outreach services to young people with support needs from Local Authorities, Leaving Care and Mental Health Teams; enabling a smooth transition from the Care System to Independence.
Safe Start helps young people become more independent and gives them the opportunity to experience living alone in a safe and secure environment.

We offer support around everyday issues like cooking, cleaning, budgeting, education, employment and maintaining their tenancy. We work closely with drug and alcohol groups, youth offending teams and health care advisors to offer our clients the best support possible.
We offer one-to-one support and Group Workshops, including:
- Benefits – rights to claim – reporting change of circumstances
- Tenancy agreements – conditions and rights of the tenants
- Telephone technique and record keeping
- Repairs
Case Study
Lucy is a young mother with complex issues and low self esteem. She had truly given up on life and, due to neglect, her son was subject to child protection. Her home was unhygienic, in need of major repairs and she faced homelessness due to substantial rent arrears.
Although initially resistant to our support, she slowly worked with Safe Start and enabled us to negotiate the backdating of her Housing benefit, a Brand new Kitchen, Bathroom, Boiler and Central heating. This was the catalyst for her to take pride in her home and ultimately, herself.
Lucy and her son are now living free of rent arrears in a clean and happy home. She is looking for work and is adamant that Safe Start’s support was a huge factor in building her confidence and giving her a positive outlook on her and her sons future.