Our Services
Safe Start offers support to vulnerable people across four key areas:

Housing & Advice
Safe Start was founded in order to provide safe and secure accommodation to the newly arrived Irish in the 1980’s. The demand is as great as ever and we continue our commitment to housing the vulnerable today with ambitious and successful projects. The diversity of our Housing projects enables Safe Start to offer a holistic provision that supports Clients from the point of homelessness and severe risk right through to enabling independent and sustainable living.

Safe Start Employment
Safe Start Employment matches job seekers to employers and offers a programme of training, advice and support throughout the entire Job Search process, and beyond. We work with individuals to understand their job history, barriers to success and aims and objectives. Individuals are supported every step of the way, from creating a great CV, to developing job searching skills, and perfecting interview technique.

Leaving Care Service
We provide outreach services to young people with support needs from Local Authorities, Leaving Care and Mental Health Teams; enabling a smooth transition from the Care System to Independence. Safe Start helps young people become more independent and gives them the opportunity to experience living alone in a safe and secure environment.

Irish Community Services
Our Irish Community Services embrace the Irish Community and address local issues and national concerns with a particular focus on Housing, Employment and Elderly Services. The service is centered around the Wembley Irish centre but demand has seen us expand the service to accommodate large numbers of Irish in Edgware and Hillingdon.