The CrashPad
Safe Start’s CrashPad provides a 21 day ‘cooling off’ period to young people facing homelessness as a result of family conflict. During the stay, mediation is provided by the Safe Start team and LB Barnet Young Person’s Mediation Project.
By working with the young person and their family to address conflict, resolution can be reached to allow them to return home. Residents and their families receive continued support for 6 months in order to continue mediation and build on the success of reconciliation.

The Crashpad is an essential tool in the prevention and reduction of Youth Homelessness. It also provides emergency accommodation for youth offenders pending court appearances or to avoid remand in custody as well as interim accommodation for care leavers.
Case Study
Maureen was referred to the CrashPad by Barnet Homeless Person’s and was one of our first residents. After persistent family arguments, Maureen was told to leave but struggled and found life hard.
After initially refusing to allow Maureen back home, her family, through mediation resolved their issues and allowed her, with the support of the Crashpad team, to return home.
Crucially, Maureen worked with the team to find full time employment as an apprentice hairdresser and this was instrumental in negotiating a return home. She is working hard and her family relationships are going well.